Monday, April 4, 2016

Field Trip to Susan Creek Falls

For my first Field NoteBlog assignment, I decided to take my family on a day trip to Susan Creek Falls, which is located east of Roseburg, OR, on Hwy 138. The falls are a short hike (0.8 miles) from the parking lot which is directly off the highway, and the hike is an easy one and stroller-friendly.
We arrived at the falls at about 2 PM, after a brief visit to the Winchester Dam to look at steelhead through the viewing windows. The weather was warm (about 74 degrees in the sunlight, slightly cooler under the forest canopy) with a light, cool breeze.

I noted several wild edibles along the trail; this is Vancouveria hexandra, otherwise known as Duck's foot because the leaves are shaped sort of like a duck foot. I didn't think to bring a ruler with me, so I used my hand in the photos to provide a scale reference.

This delicate little lily is called "fairyslipper"

My beautiful family enjoying the spring weather :-) My son is a waterbaby, he wouldn't rest till he'd had his toes in the creek.

Another common edible wild is this clover, known as Oregon Oxalis or wood sorrel. It has a tangy, citus taste.

And I believe these little guys are round-leaved violets, also known as dark woods violets. I did not see any in bloom, but I know that they produce a small yellow flower.

Was unable to identify exactly what kind of spider this is, but it was light brown with dark markings on it. The whole web was slightly less than a foot across.

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